Neil Whiteland

Managing Director at Whiteland Engineering Ltd
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Email: ****w@whitelandengineering.co.uk
LinkedIn: Neil Whiteland
Location: Greater Exeter Area
Current title:
Managing Director
Last updated: 08/04/2024 21:20 PM
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Neil Whiteland is from Greater Exeter Area. Neil is currently Managing Director at Whiteland Engineering Ltd/WESL Datahub ERP Software.

You can find Neil Whiteland's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Neil Whiteland's current jobs
Title: Managing Director
Period: Oct 2006 - Present (18 years, 4 months)

Whiteland Engineering Ltd has just celebrated their 60th Anniversary as a sub-contract precision engineering company based in the South West specialising in the supply of high quality machined components in a variety of materials, using the latest CNC technology. We have experience in many industries and we are proud to work closely with our customers in order to enhance their products. The main industries we support include Aerospace, Defence (MOD), Oil and Gas, Printing & Packaging, Marine & Tobacco. Our services include: Precision machining in large and small batches Specialised mechanical assemblies including hydraulic and pneumatic units Special Purpose Machine Tool Components Complete assemblies of jigs, tools and fixtures of all types including gauges Workshop plant repairs Spares for various types of machinery Reverse engineering and manufacture complete to customer specification Component inspection and supporting documentation For a full overview of our capabilities please refer to www.whitelandengineering.co.uk. We also designed our own ERP software system over fifteen years ago which is constantly updated and sold to other Engineering businesses. We provide: A short 12 month contract Payable monthly with a small initial set up fee Full and part license fee structure Full customisation with an ongoing customisation option Full and ongoing support option Tailored Quote Full training and ongoing training option WESL DATAHUB full user version can offer you the ability to manage a range of business disciplines such as: CRM and SRM (Company Management on Flow Chart) Management Reporting Accounting Quoting, Purchasing, Sales Order Processing, Estimating, Despatch, Invoicing and Enquiries Quality Assurance Time and Attendance Stock Control Manufacturing Planning Shop Floor Data Collection Document Control DateKeeper (Built In Diary System) H.R

Neil Whiteland's Colleagues
Stephen Pidgeon
Engineering Team Lead
Kevin Bendle
Works Manager
Jonathan Cooke
QA Manager / Development Engineer / Chief Inspector
Adam Short
Sales & Marketing Manager
Purchase Superviser
Neil Whiteland has 11 colleagues in total at Whiteland Engineering Ltd/WESL Datahub ERP Software. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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Neil Whiteland
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