Nelson T

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
Current employer: DEPT®
Current title:
Growth Creative Strategy Lead
Last updated: 10/06/2024 20:11 PM
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Nelson T is from Los Angeles, California, United States. Nelson is currently Growth Creative Strategy Lead at DEPT®, located in Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands. In Nelson's previous role as a Senior Manager, Content Performance Marketing - discovery+ at Warner Bros. Discovery, Nelson worked in until Oct 2022. Prior to joining Warner Bros. Discovery, Nelson was a Associate Acquisition Project Manager - Performance Marketing at Hulu and held the position of Associate Acquisition Project Manager - Performance Marketing. Prior to that, Nelson was a Creative Coordinator - Performance Marketing at Hulu from Aug 2019 to Jan 2020. Nelson started working as Production Assistant, Creative Marketing at E! Networks in Sep 2016. From Dec 2015 to Aug 2016, Nelson was Production Assistant, Disney Channels WorldWide Partnership Marketing & Creative at Disney ABC Television Group. Prior to that, Nelson was a Professional Intern, Disney Channels Worldwide Partnership Marketing & Creative at Walt Disney Television from Aug 2015 to Dec 2015.

Nelson T can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Nelson T's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Nelson T's current jobs
Company: DEPT®
Title: Growth Creative Strategy Lead
Period: Apr 2024 - Present (5 months)
Location: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Nelson T's past jobs
Title: Senior Manager, Content Performance Marketing - discovery+
Period: Aug 2021 - Oct 2022 (1 year, 2 months)
Company: Hulu
Title: Associate Acquisition Project Manager - Performance Marketing
Period: Jan 2020 - Aug 2021 (1 year, 7 months)
Company: Hulu
Title: Creative Coordinator - Performance Marketing
Period: Aug 2019 - Jan 2020 (5 months)
Company: E! Networks
Title: Production Assistant, Creative Marketing
Period: Sep 2016 - Feb 2019 (2 years, 5 months)
Title: Production Assistant, Disney Channels WorldWide Partnership Marketing & Creative
Period: Dec 2015 - Aug 2016 (8 months)
Title: Professional Intern, Disney Channels Worldwide Partnership Marketing & Creative
Period: Aug 2015 - Dec 2015 (4 months)
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