Nenad Bogdanovic
Nenad Bogdanovic is from Serbia. Nenad works in the following industries: "零售", "批发", and "服装和时尚". Nenad is currently Purchasing Manager at Vamos Toys, located in Belgrade. In Nenad's previous role as a Purchasing Manager at Aksa Kids Mega Store, Nenad worked in Belgrade until Dec 2019. Prior to joining Aksa Kids Mega Store, Nenad was a Key Account at MOVEM & Co. d.o.o. and held the position of Key Account. Prior to that, Nenad was a Purchasing Manage at Aksa Kids Mega Store, based in Serbia from Sep 2008 to Apr 2012.
Nenad Bogdanovic can be found on, where members can access Nenad Bogdanovic's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.