Nicholas Begakis AO D Univ Flinders

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Location: Greater Adelaide Area
Current employer: Renew Adelaide
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:28 AM
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Nicholas Begakis AO D Univ Flinders is from Greater Adelaide Area. Nicholas is currently Chairman at Renew Adelaide, located in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.

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Nicholas Begakis AO D Univ Flinders's current jobs
Company: Renew Adelaide
Title: Chairman
Period: Oct 2015 - Present (9 years, 3 months)
Location: Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Renew Adelaide is virtual business incubator. The organisation is a not for profit assisting innovative entrepreneurs develop creative enterprise in vacant spaces since 2010. The program is focused into the City of Adelaide helping restore vibrancy into vacant retail and office spaces. The work the organisation undertakes creates jobs for our youth and encourages our young people to stay in South Australia, all through leveraging real estate / property. The program creates 20 new businesses a year employing 50 individuals. Deloitte undertook a report recently indicating for every $1 of support, the economy received $3.9 in return. Renew Adelaide has been financially supported by the South Australian Govenment in the past and is currently financially supported by the Adelaide City Council.

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