Nick Gallo

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Location: Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
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Chief Servant, Co-CEO
Last updated: 15/10/2023 18:13 PM
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Nick Gallo is from Charlotte, North Carolina, United States. Nick is currently Chief Servant, Co-CEO at Ethico, located in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States.

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Nick Gallo's current jobs
Company: Ethico
Title: Chief Servant, Co-CEO
Period: Jul 2016 - Present (8 years, 6 months)
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

For more than 25 years Ethico (formerly ComplianceLine) has provided a suite of next-gen corporate integrity products that help companies manage risk and reinforce their healthy cultures. From case management software that saves time, to employee screening and monitoring services that actually work, and elearning that doesn't suck -- we focus on service and the human element in all we do in order to Make the World a Better Workplace. In building this trust, we provided HR + compliance & ethics solutions that serve over 8,000,000 million employees in 100+ countries through our highly-trained, caring, and compliance-minded professionals in many of the world's largest, and well-known organizations. We have helped E&C leaders investigate nearly 10 million reports, offering employees the industry’s leading-edge tools to report unethical or illegal behavior free from retaliation.

Nick Gallo's Colleagues
Christopher L. Martin (L.I.O.N)
Vice President of Sales and Channel Partnerships
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Giovanni Gallo 趙子龍
Co CEO and CTO
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Jenelle Stone Case
Director of Sales & Compliance
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Burke LaShell
VP of Engineering
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Brooke Alicia Barrios
Director of Marketing
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Nick Gallo has 88 colleagues in total at ComplianceLine. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Nick Gallo
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Bardon Hill, England, United Kingdom
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Creative Director
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Nick Gallo
Vice President
McDonald, Ohio, United States
Nick Gallo
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Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
Nick Gallo
Founder, CEO
New York, New York, United States
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