Nicolas Cosqueric

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Greater Barcelona Metropolitan Area
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Group CIO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:12 AM
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Nicolas Cosqueric is from Greater Barcelona Metropolitan Area. Nicolas is currently Group CIO at Damm.

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Nicolas Cosqueric's current jobs
Company: Damm
Title: Group CIO
Period: Oct 2017 - Present (7 years, 3 months)

Damm is a leading beverage and retail producer with a turnover of 1,26 MM€ in 2018. 4500 employees. 16 production facilities. Budget of 30 MM€. Team of 60 internal. Definition and validation by senior management of a strategic plan to shift from a cost-center operation to a business partner IT organization Highlighted Achievements: • Proposal of a new organizational structure (more customer centric, extension to 60 internal FTEs) • Operational raodmap to change the day-to-day operations to a service based model and adjustment of the workspace to a more collaborative model • Re-focus of the IT roadmap on value add initiatives (Distribution model, Retail landscape, Export, 360 vision of customer) • Finance: shift from an IT fixed-cost to a variable model (areas understanding cost drivers and how to influence them)

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