Nils Yacoob Ekman

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Linköping, Ostergotland County, Sweden
Current employer:
Xcentur AB
Current title:
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:01 AM
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Nils Yacoob Ekman is from Linköping, Ostergotland County, Sweden. Nils Yacoob is currently Founder & Chief Executive Officer at Xcentur AB.

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Nils Yacoob Ekman's current jobs
Company: Xcentur AB
Title: Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Period: Feb 2005 - Present (19 years, 11 months)

Management and Business Consulting in general within B2B, B2G, Logistics/Transportation, 3PL and SCM. The assignments have included from strategic sourcing/vendor negotiation to commercial projects within manufacturing segments, to direct managerial assignments in existing organizations. In addition the company has been involved in infrastructure projects within the Energy (Waste to Energy), Aerospace and Defense Sectors. Assignments in the USA and Latin America.

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