Nina Sandhu Johal
Nina Sandhu Johal is from Seattle & Bellevue. Nina Sandhu works in the following industries: "Computer Software", "Internet", and "Human Resources". Nina Sandhu is currently Talent Acquisition Director, Operations Technology at Amazon, located in Seattle & Bellevue. In Nina Sandhu's previous role as a Senior Director, Global Executive Talent Acquisition at Microsoft, Nina Sandhu worked in Greater Seattle Area until May 2019. Prior to joining Microsoft, Nina Sandhu was a Senior Director, Executive Recruiting at Microsoft and held the position of Senior Director, Executive Recruiting at Greater Seattle Area. Prior to that, Nina Sandhu was a Senior Staffing Director, Online Services at Microsoft, based in Greater Seattle Area from Nov 2010 to Jan 2013. Nina Sandhu started working as Staffing Director, Server & Tools at Microsoft in Apr 2008. From Jul 2006 to Mar 2008, Nina Sandhu was HR Director, India Development Centre at Microsoft. Prior to that, Nina Sandhu was a Staffing Director, MSN at Microsoft from Oct 2003 to Jul 2006. Nina Sandhu started working as HR Roles at Microsoft in Apr 1993.
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Nina Sandhu Johal's current jobs
Nina Sandhu Johal's past jobs
Leading an amazing team of very talented Executive Recruiters and acquiring top executive talent for the Company across the globe. What a cool job and an enormous opportunity to impact the future of our products and the culture of our company. Working in a 'growth mindset' environment: shifting from a mindset where your role is to be the smartest person, to where your role is to really learn and bring out the best in people is exciting! I have been leading this team since February 2013 and we became a global function in November 2014. We a strong truly global team with a lot of meaningful work ahead of us!
Leading the executive recruiting function -- all aspects of technical and non-technical talent acquisition.
Running HR for the Microsoft Development Centre in Hyderabad, India