Omar Hosari

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Email: ****h@uas.aero
Location: Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Current employer: UAS International Trip Support
Current title:
Co-Owner/Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:43 AM
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Omar Hosari is from Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Omar is currently Co-Owner/Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at UAS International Trip Support, located in Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

You can find Omar Hosari's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Omar Hosari's current jobs
Title: Co-Owner/Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Period: Jan 2000 - Present (25 years)
Location: Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

In my role as CEO of UAS, I oversee the design of brand, program, product and service delivery, as well as financial, risk and facilities management. I also develop UAS’s corporate strategy and monitor execution, In my leadership position, I am ultimately responsible for translating the corporate vision and strategy into organizational policies, directives and procedures that align with our triple bottom-line strategy; contributing to our profits, people (community) and the planet (sustainability). Likewise, I oversee and ensure effective performance management, operations management, functional management, process management and people management at UAS.

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