Pamela Rainey Lawler

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:27 AM
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Pamela Rainey Lawler is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Pamela Rainey is currently Founder at Philabundance, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.

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Pamela Rainey Lawler's current jobs
Company: Philabundance
Title: Founder
Period: Mar 1984 - Present (40 years, 10 months)
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

In response to the growing need for emergency food assistance in the city, developed food transportation system to collect surplus perishable food from the food service & hospitality industries and deliver it free-of-charge to agencies serving low income individuals and families. Started with a $1500 investment, it was one of the first to target this niche market and the organization served as a model for other cities around the country. Philabundance is now the region’s largest food bank and food access innovator and raises more than $20 million a year to underwrite core programming. In addition to the tasks involved in creating the organization, responsibilities included logistics, administrative operations and staff management, budgeting and finance, fundraising, branding, marketing and PR, community outreach, board development, anti-hunger organizing and advocacy, and volunteer program creation and management.

Pamela Rainey Lawler's Colleagues
Charles Wright
Chief Development Officer
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Loree Jones Brown
Chief Executive Officer
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Dorothy Wong
Chief Strategy Officer
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Scott Fremont
Director - Individual Giving
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
John Dalzell
Director Of Information Technology
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Pamela Rainey Lawler has 169 colleagues in total at Philabundance. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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