Parastoo Azadi

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Email: ****
Location: Athens, Georgia, United States
Current employer:
Complex Carbohydrate Research Center / University of Georgia
Current title:
Technical Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:32 AM
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Parastoo Azadi is from Athens, Georgia, United States. Parastoo is currently Technical Director at Complex Carbohydrate Research Center / University of Georgia.

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Parastoo Azadi's current jobs
Company: Complex Carbohydrate Research Center / University of Georgia
Title: Technical Director
Period: May 1994 - Present (30 years, 8 months)

I oversee and manage the Analytical Service and Training Laboratory (ASTL) at the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center (CCRC) and am the Technical Director for three federally-funded resource centers: NIH Research Resource for Integrated Glycotechnology where mass spectrometry and NMR are used to investigate the molecular basis of glycosaminoglycans, the NIH National Center for Biomedical Glycomics, where new technologies in mass spectrometry and transcriptome analysis are being developed to investigate glycomics structures of the glycome of cells and the Department of Energy (DOE) Center for Plant and Microbial Complex Carbohydrates. I also work closely with many industries including biotechnology, pharmaceutical companies on structural charcterization and regulatory aspects of their drug products. A number of carbohydrate-based drugs currently on the US and international markets have been structurally characterized under my direction at ASTL, including heparins, antibodies, blood products and glycoconjugate vaccines. I have authored reports that have been part of New Drug Applications (NDA) being submitted to FDA.

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