Parm Dhillon

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Email: ****m@sunstrike.com
Location: United Kingdom
Current employer:
Sunstrike International Limited
Current title:
Managing Director
Last updated: 24/01/2024 14:00 PM
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Parm Dhillon is from United Kingdom. Parm is currently Managing Director at Sunstrike International Limited, located in Hong Kong SAR.

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Parm Dhillon's current jobs
Company: Sunstrike International Limited
Title: Managing Director
Period: Jan 2012 - Present (13 years)
Location: Hong Kong SAR

Sunstrike International is a leading worldwide distributor of mobile devices. Our inventory consists of brand new, OEM Certified Preowned (Official Apple CPO) and graded mobile devices, memory products and solutions, gaming devices, turnkey mobile trade in solutions for mobile network operators. We’re recognised worldwide across the telecoms eco system as the ‘go to’ organisation for immediately available inventories at unbeatable prices and to deliver maximum yield to mobile network operators, retailers and insurance companies for their excess inventory and end of line stocks. Our products and solutions touch all key verticals across the mobile eco-system, from device manufacturers, network operators, distributors/wholesalers, insurance companies and blue chip organised and unorganised online and traditional bricks and mortar retail. Our local presence across the globe, hiring the best local talent, combined with our in house international high performance sales and operations teams ensures our customers and partners gain unparalleled market insights with speed and consistency to maximise their profitability across the supply chain. If you are a mobile device manufacturer, mobile operator, retailer, insurance company, distributor or wholesaler and would like to partner or complete a spot deal with Sunstrike International Limited, let's connect.

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