Parshwa Shah

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
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President and Owner
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:05 AM
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Parshwa Shah is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Parshwa is currently President and Owner at iRepairWorks.

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Parshwa Shah's current jobs
Company: iRepairWorks
Title: President and Owner
Period: Jan 2011 - Present (14 years)

iRepairWorks is a leader in smartphone, tablet, computer, and numerous other electronic repairs. We are currently serving the Philadelphia region through our two retail locations. Additionally we offer our services nationwide through our e-commerce site, We started in early 2011 offering cost effective iPhone repairs. Through market demand, we quickly adapted and expanded our services. We currently offer a full line of electronics repair solutions. Our repair offerings expand within Apple, Android, PC, Gaming consoles, Headphones, and more. We also offer wholesale repair services to corporations, schools, and non profit organizations. Additionally we buyback retired devices from the organizations that we service. We try to reduce e-waste to the best of our ability.

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