Pascal Persyn

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Email: ****l@perpetos.com
Location: Bruges Metropolitan Area
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Last updated: 21/03/2024 12:10 PM
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Pascal Persyn is from Bruges Metropolitan Area. Pascal is currently CEO at Perpetos, located in Zaventem, Flemish Region, Belgium.

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Pascal Persyn's current jobs
Company: Perpetos
Title: CEO
Period: Aug 2005 - Present (19 years, 5 months)
Location: Zaventem, Flemish Region, Belgium

We focus on delivering commercial excellence with measurable impact on the cost of sales, margin and opportunity conversion. We achieve this by helping our customers in the following areas: - Sales Enablement: Implementing sales & marketing processes, training & coaching as well as technology implementation and adoption such as CRM and customer focused technologies (e.g. Showpad) - Content Strategy: Establishing programmatic approaches for the creation and use of content in marketing, sales and customer success. By helping them create and manage assets more effectively, our customers improve the impact of their customer interactions while reducing their overall costs of creation. - Buyer Journey Enablement is about improving your competitiveness by meeting customer expectations at every touchpoint (digital and human). We map Buyer Journeys, execute gap closing projects and implement Buyer Aligned processes, KPI’s as well as culture change and upskill programs. Adoption by all people involved is the best leading key performance indicator. Therefore people are @ the center of everything we do.

Pascal Persyn's Colleagues
Els Costers
Business Coach
Zaventem, Flemish Region, Belgium
Nicolas Dejehansart
Business Coach
Zaventem, Flemish Region, Belgium
Terry Mitchell
Business Coach
Zaventem, Flemish Region, Belgium
Valerie Meuser
Zaventem, Flemish Region, Belgium
Eliseo Manfron 🔆Certified Business Coach
Business Coach as independant contractor
Zaventem, Flemish Region, Belgium
Pascal Persyn has 15 colleagues in total at Perpetos. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Pascal Persyn
Pascal PERSYN, Pascal
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