Patrick Mc Crann

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Email: ****k@endurancenation.us
Location: Barrington, Rhode Island, United States
Current employer:
Endurance Nation
Current title:
Owner, CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Patrick Mc Crann is from Barrington, Rhode Island, United States. Patrick is currently Owner, CEO at Endurance Nation. In Patrick's previous role as a Account Executive at Circle, Patrick worked in until Feb 2022. Prior to joining Circle, Patrick was a Admissions Officer at Harvard University and held the position of Admissions Officer.

If you’re looking for Patrick Mc Crann's email address, you can find it on finalscout.com. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and 200 million company profiles.

Patrick Mc Crann's current jobs
Company: Endurance Nation
Title: Owner, CEO
Period: Nov 2007 - Present (17 years, 2 months)

The premier online coaching community for triathletes. Endurance Nation is an online Team of more than 600 Ironman and 70.3 athletes from around the world, led by elite coach Patrick McCrann. Our innovative Fast Then Far approach, reinforced with 60+ training plans built on quality intervals & zero junk mileage, combined with our Four Keys guidance for Ironman race execution, Endurance Nation has revolutionized the way endurance athletes train, race, and achieve their goals.

Patrick Mc Crann's past jobs
Company: Circle
Title: Account Executive
Period: Aug 2021 - Feb 2022 (6 months)
Title: Admissions Officer
Period: Aug 2003 - May 2004 (9 months)
Other people named Patrick Mc Crann
patrick mc crann
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