Paul Bou Jabbour

Senior Purchasing Coordinator - Sanita Lebanon
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LinkedIn: Paul Bou Jabbour
Location: Lebanon
Current employer: SANITA SAL
Current title:
Senior Purchasing Coordinator
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:05 AM
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Paul Bou Jabbour is from Lebanon. Paul Bou works in the following industries: "Paper & Forest Products". Paul Bou is currently Senior Purchasing Coordinator at SANITA SAL, located in Zouk mikael Lebanon. In Paul Bou's previous role as a Warehouse Supervisor at SANITA, Paul Bou worked in Lebanon until May 2010.

You can find Paul Bou Jabbour's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Paul Bou Jabbour's current jobs
Title: Senior Purchasing Coordinator
Period: Nov 2004 - Present (20 years, 2 months)
Location: Zouk mikael Lebanon

Coordinating and managing all activities during the purchasing process, such as creating purchase orders, monitoring transportation and invoice creation and follow-through. Analyze and monitor internal, economic, and consumer trends to forecast sales and inventory. Best achiever twice in 2007 & 2011.

Paul Bou Jabbour's past jobs
Company: SANITA
Title: Warehouse Supervisor
Period: Nov 2004 - May 2010 (5 years, 6 months)
Location: Lebanon

• Achieving high levels of customer satisfaction through excellence in receiving, identifying, dispatching and assuring quality of goods. • Measuring and reporting the effectiveness of warehousing activities and employees performance. • Organizing and maintaining inventory and storage area. • Best employee in 2007

Paul Bou Jabbour's education
Lebanese Canadian University - LCU
Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA
2007 - 2010
institu technique superieur Ajaltoun
technique superieur 3
2001 - 2004
Lebanese Technical Institute
Diploma in Information Technology
2000 - 2003
Other people named Paul Bou Jabbour
Senior Purchasing Officer
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