Paul Cummins Airline Training Aviation Sms

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Mascot, New South Wales, Australia
Current employer: Airline Training Solutions
Current title:
Founder/Operations/Business Development
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:50 AM
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Paul Cummins Airline Training Aviation Sms is from Mascot, New South Wales, Australia. Paul Cummins Airline Training is currently Founder/Operations/Business Development at Airline Training Solutions, located in Mascot, New South Wales, Australia.

Paul Cummins Airline Training Aviation Sms's email is available on free of charge. This database has a wealth of information on over half a billion business professionals and two hundred million companies.

Paul Cummins Airline Training Aviation Sms's current jobs
Title: Founder/Operations/Business Development
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (5 years)
Location: Mascot, New South Wales, Australia

Coming soon to Sydney and Melbourne. Courses for MCC (awaiting regulatory approval, Jet Introduction and Jet Orientation, and Aircraft Familiarisation Courses. Similar courses for turbo-prop and Helicopter multi-engine turbine. Training in 6 DOF full motion flight simulators (either FFS or FBS modes) on B737-NG/800, B747 (SY), B767 (SY), B787, A330, A380 (SY), Dash 8/300 (SY), Dash 8/Q400 (SY), and AW139 helicopter. Airline Training Solutions was set up to cater for a gap in the training market. There was no way for general aviation pilots to access high end flight simulators and training... until now! No-one else offers access to the range of simulators that Airline Training Solutions does. And we do it in Sydney and Melbourne. We use the best simulators and been trained by the best, you should be too! MCC Training for Part 61. Jet Orientation. LOFT and Airline Procedural Training. Simulator and Airline Preparation. Instrument and Recency Flying. Refresher Training, systems, and procedures. Instrument recency and approaches. Like the page on Facebook and or send a Message for upcoming course notifications and updates.

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