Paul Davis

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Ireland
Current employer: Dublin City University
Current title:
Associate Professor
Last updated: 07/12/2023 11:04 AM
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Paul Davis is from Ireland. Paul is currently Associate Professor at Dublin City University, located in Dublin 12, County Dublin, Ireland.

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Paul Davis's current jobs
Title: Associate Professor
Period: Jan 2002 - Present (23 years, 2 months)
Location: Dublin 12, County Dublin, Ireland

Lecturer in Procurement and Supply Chain Management. I am currently Program Director for the Masters in Business Management and Masters in Strategic Management in DCU Business School. I have been Program Director for the MSc in Strategic Procurement, MSc in International Management, MSc in E-Commerce. I have completed lecturing assignments at UCSC, Italy, ESB, Germany, QMUL/BUPT , Beijing, China. I was a board member of the International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management and a director of the Global Standard for Purchasing and Supply Chain Education. I am a past council member and past president for the Irish Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management. I was seconded to work with the Health Service Executive ICT Strategy Unit, advising on procurement strategy and market engagement. I was on the Procurement for Innovation working group and was responsible for the delivery of the research that led to the publication of the 10 Step Guide to Smarter Procurement. He served on on the Advisory Board to the National Procurement Service at the OPW. Dr Davis was the lead PI in DCU for the Winning in Tendering Project. The project had a budget of 4.2 million euro. The project was a strategic project aimed at transforming the public tendering experience of Small Indigenous Suppliers in the Ireland / Wales region. I am currently co-PI for the H2020 project GERONTE (https://geronteproject.eu) . GERONTE is a 5-year research and innovation project (April 2021 to March 2026) funded by the European Union within the framework of the H2020 Research and Innovation programme. I have been co-PI on the following H2020 projects PATHWAY , INLIfe, MAGIC and MIDAS.

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