Paul Francis

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Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Current employer:
OYO Fitness
Current title:
Founder / CEO
Last updated: 06/11/2023 09:32 AM
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Paul Francis is from Kansas City, Missouri, United States. Paul is currently Founder / CEO at OYO Fitness, located in Kansas City, Missouri, United States.

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Paul Francis's current jobs
Company: OYO Fitness
Title: Founder / CEO
Period: Nov 2012 - Present (12 years, 2 months)
Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Francis invented SpiraFlex resistance technology for NASA as the "mission critical" solution to astronaut bone and muscle loss caused by zero gravity. A NASA study proved SpiraFlex provided the same benefits as free-weights. Over 50 crewmembers have kept in shape with his SpiraFlex powered iRED hardware on the International Space Station for over 10 years. SpiraFlex was recently inducted into the Space Technology Hall of Fame. Francis licensed SpiraFlex technology to Nautilus Inc., and developed the Bowflex Revolution, one of the most successful home gyms in history. OYO Fitness is one of the fastest growing brands in the fitness industry. Francis founded OYO Fitness to expand his NASA SpiraFlex resistance technology into portable and home gyms, pioneering the next fitness revolution by providing the benefits of weight training, without the weight, at the convenience of the user, without the need to visit a gym or fill a room with heavy equipment. The company’s first product, the OYO Personal Gym was the second most funded fitness product in Kickstarter history and is now sold internationally though DRTV, Live Shopping and Digital Marketing. The NOVA Gym became the highest backed fitness product in crowdfunding history, and was the 35th highest funded product out of 480,000 on Kickstarter. OYO’s pipeline of compact connected (IoT) fitness equipment is changing the way people get strong and lean, by delivering on demand workout programs directly to the user. Group exercise programs include; HIIT, Yoga, Pilates, Strength Walking and Pump & Pedal. Companies are providing OYO Gyms to employees for fitness breaks at their desk that can be tracked and rewarded.

Paul Francis's Colleagues
Nick Bolton
Director of Fitness, Spokesperson, and TV Host
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Marcus Sy
Product development and purchasing
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Luis Felipe D.
Brand Ambassador
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Fadeke Kasika
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Paul Francis has 4 colleagues in total at OYO Fitness. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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