Paula Belthe

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Email: ****e@nentgroup.com
Location: Greater Stockholm Metropolitan Area
Current employer: Viaplay Group
Current title:
Commercial Affairs Manager, Scripted
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:25 AM
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Paula Belthe is from Greater Stockholm Metropolitan Area. Paula is currently Commercial Affairs Manager, Scripted at Viaplay Group, located in Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden.

You can find Paula Belthe's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Paula Belthe's current jobs
Company: Viaplay Group
Title: Commercial Affairs Manager, Scripted
Period: Jan 2021 - Present (4 years)
Location: Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden

Negotiations, relationships and business management in scripted content development, production, rights acquisitions and exploitation (Nordic and International). Viaplay Group is the Nordic region’s leading entertainment provider and a fully integrated broadcasting, streaming and content production company. Key responsibilities and tasks include; - Build and develop relationships with key stakeholders, (ie production companies, distributors and sales agents.) - Alignment of content rights, sublicensing/sales and pipeline opportunities. - Commercial advice to business stakeholders - Negotiations and drafting of a wide range of contracts including development, format and program production/commissioning agreements. - Risk, strategy and film financing analysis. - Internal stakeholder coordination and alignment. - Assessment of business cases for upcoming content projects.

Paula Belthe's Colleagues
Lena Puzina
Head of Group Digital & Social Communications
Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
Anna Feltsen
Head of IT Operations
Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
Charlotta Ungerth
Vice President IT & Info Security
Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
Jonas Krantz
Head of IT Productivity
Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
Sebastian Brundin
Head of Product Area : Customer Segments
Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
Paula Belthe has 1K+ colleagues in total at Viaplay Group. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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