Pawel Gershkovich

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Location: Amsterdam Area
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Head of Product
Last updated: 27/10/2023 12:01 PM
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Pawel Gershkovich is from Amsterdam Area. Pawel is currently Head of Product at Hubs, located in Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands.

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Pawel Gershkovich's current jobs
Company: Hubs
Title: Head of Product
Period: Mar 2022 - Present (2 years, 10 months)
Location: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Hubs is a platform that enables engineers to source machine parts with ease. Based on ML algorithms we analyze uploaded designs and provide prices within seconds. After the purchase, parts are produced in our network of manufacturing partners and delivered within days to the customer's door step. Our service lines include CNC machining, 3D printing, injection molding and sheet metal fabrication. - Leads a team of four product managers and four product designers who work with cross-functional engineering teams and continuously ship value to customers and manufacturing partners. - Keeps product teams focussed by linking their work and released functionality to product strategy and company strategy (OKRs). - Reorganised product & engineering teams, hired and trained two new product managers and successfully implemented second half year product strategy. - Partnered with Head of Engineering to significantly reduce fluctuation in product engineering teams by recalibrating product strategy, establishing new roles within the engineering organisation and by establishing clearer domain and code ownership. - Created and started rolling out a dedicated product management career framework to provide a guideline for career growth and coaching for PMs from associate level to director level.

Pawel Gershkovich's Colleagues
Ellen Groot
People Operations Lead
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Tiago Costa
Strategic Sales Lead
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Anvay Goenka
Head of Sourcing
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Neil G.
Sales Director EMEA
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Alex Cappy
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Pawel Gershkovich has 285 colleagues in total at Hubs. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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