Pedro Marazuela

Co-Founder en 360 Fund Insight
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LinkedIn: Pedro Marazuela
Location: Madrid y alrededores
Current employer:
360 Fund Insight
Current title:
Co-Founder & C.O.O.
Last updated: 02/08/2023 13:50 PM
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Pedro Marazuela is from Madrid y alrededores. Pedro is currently Co-Founder & C.O.O. at 360 Fund Insight, located in London . In Pedro's previous role as a Head of Manager Selection, Portfolio Manager at Ahorro Best Funds at Ahorro Corporación, Pedro worked in Madrid y alrededores, España until Jun 2017. Prior to joining Ahorro Corporación, Pedro was a Partner at Auriga Global Investors at Auriga Global Investors and held the position of Partner at Auriga Global Investors at Madrid y alrededores, España. Prior to that, Pedro was a Deputy CIO at Ahorro Corporación, based in Madrid y alrededores, España from Mar 2002 to Oct 2009. Pedro started working as Head of Treasury at Banco Guipuzcoano in Madrid y alrededores, España in Jun 1999. From Jun 1996 to Sep 1999, Pedro was Head of Proprietary Trading at Societe Generale, based in Madrid y alrededores, España. Prior to that, Pedro was a Vice President, Proprietary Trader at SANTANDER INVESTMENT, based in Madrid y alrededores, España from Jan 1994 to Feb 1996. Pedro started working as Senior Bond Trader at Banesto in Madrid y alrededores, España in Jan 1991.

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Pedro Marazuela's current jobs
Company: 360 Fund Insight
Title: Co-Founder & C.O.O.
Period: Dec 2017 - Present (7 years, 1 month)
Location: London

360 Fund Insight Limited is a truly independent and innovative company created to empower wealth managers to provide the best value add for end investors. Our purpose is to improve the transparency and efficiency in the asset management industry by helping migrate advisors and discretionary managers from opaque cost structures and conflicts of interest to best practice and lower frictional cost that benefit the end investor.

Pedro Marazuela's past jobs
Company: Ahorro Corporación
Title: Head of Manager Selection, Portfolio Manager at Ahorro Best Funds
Period: Aug 2015 - Jun 2017 (1 year, 10 months)
Location: Madrid y alrededores, España

•Responsible for analyzing and selecting both traditional and alternative third party managers • Portfolio construction and management • Managing relationship, communication and meetings with portfolio managers and private bankers • Actively involved in all the team project outside Spain for development and implementation of new products

Company: Auriga Global Investors
Title: Partner at Auriga Global Investors
Period: Oct 2009 - Jul 2015 (5 years, 9 months)
Location: Madrid y alrededores, España

- Portfolio Co-manager of alternative funds UCITS IV. - MondoHedge Award: Best UCITS III Multistrategy fund 2010 & Citywire A rated. - Research Responsible.

Company: Ahorro Corporación
Title: Deputy CIO
Period: Mar 2002 - Oct 2009 (7 years, 7 months)
Location: Madrid y alrededores, España
Company: Banco Guipuzcoano
Title: Head of Treasury
Period: Jun 1999 - Nov 2001 (2 years, 5 months)
Location: Madrid y alrededores, España

- Reporting to the Deputy CEO, my direct responsibilities were: - Creation and development of the Project “Tesorería Comercial” for the sale of Interest Rate Swaps and Currency Swaps both to small and medium size companies and retail. - Pricing and trading of Structured Products (bonds, deposits, swaps,…) for the net of branches, as well as for corporate, institutional and private banking. - Management of the Investment Portfolio, Proprietary Trading Portfolio & treasury position of the bank. - Institutional relationships and sales for corporate and institutional clients. - Advisory to the Management Committee about new businesses and strategies related to the treasury activity. Likewise, advice about the asset allocation and financial strategy of the bank. - Advisory to the Asset Management division about the investment policy. - Participate in the following committees: o Asset and Liabilities Committee. o Investment Committee

Company: Societe Generale
Title: Head of Proprietary Trading
Period: Jun 1996 - Sep 1999 (3 years, 3 months)
Location: Madrid y alrededores, España

-Management of the Proprietary and Investment Portfolios, reporting to the Head of Treasury at the Paris Headquarters -Proprietary trading: Trading mainly in fixed income and interest rates. I was responsible for Spain, Italy & Portugal. -Investment Portfolio: Managing a portfolio of 1.5B €.

Title: Vice President, Proprietary Trader
Period: Jan 1994 - Feb 1996 (2 years, 1 month)
Location: Madrid y alrededores, España

-Reporting to the Head of Treasury, -Trading mainly in fixed income, interest rates

Company: Banesto
Title: Senior Bond Trader
Period: Jan 1991 - Jan 1994 (3 years)
Location: Madrid y alrededores, España
Company: Daiwa Securities
Title: Fixed Income trader
Period: Jan 1990 - Jan 1991 (1 year)
Location: Madrid y alrededores, España
Title: Financial analyst and junior Fund manager
Period: Aug 1988 - Aug 1989 (1 year)
Location: Madrid y alrededores, España
Pedro Marazuela's education
Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Bachelor in Economics and Business Administration. Financial Markets
1984 - 1989
Pedro Marazuela's top skills
Derivatives Acciones Comercio Fondos de inversión colectiva Portfolio Management Equities Corporate Finance Bloomberg Fixed Income Microsoft Excel Valuation Investment Banking Banca de inversión Investments Análisis financiero Financial Markets Bonds Asset Management Hedge Funds Trading
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