Pelin Bastug
Pelin Bastug is from Turkey. Pelin works in the following industries: "Mining & Metals". Pelin is currently Senior Purchasing Specialist at Izmir Demir Celik / IDC Steel. Pelin also works as Purchasing Specialist at Izmir Demir Celik / IDC Steel, a job Pelin has held since Jul 2013.
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Pelin Bastug's current jobs
In the corporate group of Izdemir Enerji Elektrik Uretim, Akdemir Celik San. ve Tic. , Izmir Demir Celik San; -Responsible from overseas and domestic purchasing operations including materials such as; Nodular Cast Iron Rolls, Tungsten Carbide Rings, Barrels, Lime and Refractory Materials, Machining Products and all consumables. -Pre-accounting operations. -Writing manufacturing and overseas purchasing contracts and possess knowledge in commercial correspondance. -Good sense of negotiation skills through interaction with an extensive supplier portfolio, to accomplish purchasing operations over 10.000 different materials for IDC Group's desired specifications and good prices. -Joining intercompany audits and having knowledge in ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 quality standards. -Good knowledge on quality standards specifications purchasing operations.