Per Aage Lysaa
Per Aage Lysaa is from 挪威 奥斯陆 奥斯陆. Per Aage works in the following industries: "生物技术". Per Aage is currently Managing Director, Owner at Intravision group as, located in Fornebu, Norway. Per Aage also works as Artist at private, a job Per Aage has held since Jan 1985. In Per Aage's previous role as a VP product Desing & Development at ThinFilm Electronics ASA, Per Aage worked in until Jun 2012.
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Per Aage Lysaa's current jobs
Founder, Managing Director and owner of the R&D company INTRAVISION group AS. As of 2011 the INTRAVISION group subsidiaries include: Intravision AQUA AS (Aquaculture light technology), Lumigreen AS (Turfgrass LED based growth system), Intravision System AS (LED based plant growth systems), Promar AS (biotechnology microbacteria) and Promar AQUA AS (Production of Astaxanthin based on microalgae and photobioreactors).