Percival Ampomah

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Email: ****
Location: Ghana
Current employer:
Ghana Growth Fund
Current title:
General Manager, Prime Equity Portfolio
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Percival Ampomah is from Ghana. Percival is currently General Manager, Prime Equity Portfolio at Ghana Growth Fund.

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Percival Ampomah's current jobs
Company: Ghana Growth Fund
Title: General Manager, Prime Equity Portfolio
Period: May 2016 - Present (8 years, 10 months)

The Prime Equity Portfolio (PEP) of GGFC is a private equity portfolio focused on investment opportunities in the financial services industry across West Africa. Total assets under management currently is more than $250 million. The PEP is a positive economic catalyst for the GGFC Private Equity Fund and is positioned to deliver not just strong financial returns for investors but also positive social outcomes that impact the local communities in which we conduct our business. PEP consists of a well-diversified bouquet of equity investments in several arrears of the financial services industry including banking, insurance, pensions, investment management services, asset management, and micro finance. In most recent years the portfolio has expanded to a total of 19 investee companies, which includes two banks in Liberia, and a bank, an insurance company and re-insurance company based in Ghana. The guiding principle of the PEP is to nurture the next generation of financial giants in the West African Sub region.

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Percival Ampomah
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