Percy Chan

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Percy Chan is from Hong Kong SAR. Percy is currently CEO & CIO at JIYUAN Financial Service (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., located in Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR.

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Percy Chan's current jobs
Title: CEO & CIO
Period: Apr 2019 - Present (5 years, 9 months)
Location: Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

Mr. Chan Pak Hin Percy has over 20 years of financial investment experience. Mr. Percy Chan has worked as a fund manager, general manager, vice president and other roles in hedge funds, securities firms and investment banks in Hong Kong and the mainland. He has served HSBC Investment Bank Asia, Citibank (Hong Kong), Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong and China), and Pioneer Investments (Hong Kong) in asset management, overseas listing, wealth management products’ development, global investment research and formulation of family office solutions, etc. Mr. Percy Chan is the final judge of many financial planner awards, including Forbes, China Business Network, and China & Hong Kong Banking Association; he is also a guest speaker of major financial forums and financial channels in the mainland & Hong Kong, and has been invited to Hong Kong NOW TV Finance Channel, Forbes, China Securities Journal, China-CBN (China Business Network), and MoneyWeekly and other television and print media for many times to analyze and explain macroeconomic and financial market conditions and events Mr. PERCY is also a distinguished professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, an honorary guest of “Lujiazui Shanghai Financial Summary” of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. He has also been invited as a financial expert to provide special training and consultation for officials of China Banking Regulatory Commission, well-known brokerage executives and insurance company leaders. The financial institutions managed by Mr. Percy Chan have also been awarded various awards by various financial media on a number of occasions, including: "Best Wealth Management Bank", "Best Wealth Management Products", and "The Most Innovative Products", etc.

Percy Chan's Colleagues
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Percy Chan has 1 colleagues in total at JIYUAN Financial Service (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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