Pete Afrasiabi

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Location: Tustin, California, United States
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President & CEO
Last updated: 21/09/2023 12:59 PM
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Pete Afrasiabi is from Tustin, California, United States. Pete is currently President & CEO at IQWEST, located in Tustin, California, United States.

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Pete Afrasiabi's current jobs
Company: IQWEST
Title: President & CEO
Period: Mar 2001 - Present (23 years, 10 months)
Location: Tustin, California, United States

iQwest has done it again! Over and over our clients come to us when it involves foreign language documents. Our award winning Enhanced Machine Translation (EMT) technology utilizes human translations from our client document corpus to train our translation systems. We have developed a 3 tier training mechanism that is unrivaled in the industry and brings machine translation much closer to it's human translation counterpart. After being awarded "Matter of the Year" by Global Competition Review the world's leading antitrust and competition law journal, we have now enhanced our processes to provide even better quality translation results. This case involved a second request with the FTC and for the first time ever, they accepted productions as machine translations vs. the customary human translations. We continually strive to find any technology advantage we can gain to improve the end result of our work. Our typical client list includes AMLAW100 law firms, Corporate / General Counsel and corporate legal departments. We also work with some of the leading litigation support providers and assist them with projects that involve MT. We have been serving the litigation industry with innovative tools, processes and know how in defending cases for 15 years. We are not your typical copy shop turned consultants. Our consultants have advised our clients on the most effective approaches to handling cases for over 2 decades. Some of the basic service products we provide have revolutionized the way our clients litigate cases. Managed Services with data hosting capabilities in Europe, Asia and South America Early Case Assessment, preparation for Meet and Confers Scalable review, coding and production facilities Secure online hosted environment at a $65 million facility Enhanced workflows and processes Foreign Language OCR, Translation and Processing

Pete Afrasiabi's Colleagues
Arshawn Afrasiabi
Chief Technology Officer
Tustin, California, United States
Marco Raymund Diaz
Medical Transcriptionist
Alex Thorpe
Director of Marketing/Sales
Tustin, California, United States
Pete Afrasiabi has 3 colleagues in total at iQwest Technologies, Inc.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Pete Afrasiabi
Peter Afrasiabi
Newport Beach, California, United States
There are 1 other "Pete Afrasiabi". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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