Peter Damian Mbama

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Email: ****
Location: Nigeria
Current title:
Managing Director/CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Peter Damian Mbama is from Nigeria. Peter Damian is currently Managing Director/CEO at RegCharles Finance & Capital Limited, located in Nigeria.

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Peter Damian Mbama's current jobs
Title: Managing Director/CEO
Period: May 2012 - Present (12 years, 8 months)
Location: Nigeria

• Develop and deliver on the company’s strategic plan in the most effective and efficient manner • Accountable for the overall performance of the company and for the day-to-day running and management of the company’s business, under delegated authority from the Board • Implement the Board’s policies and strategies • Develop and present the strategic and annual business plans to the Board for approval • Report to the Board on progress against the strategic and annual business plans on a regular basis. Typically, reporting against the annual plan will be monthly, while reporting against the strategic plan will be less frequent, although it should be at least two or three times a year • Manage the day-to-day operations of the company • Manage, motivate, develop and lead members of the Management Team • Manage resources efficiently and effectively to achieve the company’s objectives • Chair Management Team meetings • Take a leadership role in establishing or developing the company’s culture and values • Ensure that there is a fit between strategy and culture, and the company’s processes and structure • Ensure that appropriate internal audit processes and procedures are in place (in liaison with the Head of Company Internal Audit and/or the external auditors, if a Board Audit Committee is not in place). • Develop and implement a risk management plan • Ensure that there is a succession plan in place

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