Philippe Boclet

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Email: ****b@axxoncomposites.com
Location: Romania
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Axxon Composites
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:06 AM
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Philippe Boclet is from Romania. Philippe is currently CEO at Axxon Composites, located in Săcele, Braşov, Romania.

Philippe Boclet can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Philippe Boclet's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Philippe Boclet's current jobs
Company: Axxon Composites
Title: CEO
Period: Jun 2010 - Present (14 years, 7 months)
Location: Săcele, Braşov, Romania

Manufacturer of carbon prepreg parts for Marine (masts, spars), automotive and aerospace Since its beginning, AXXON has been able to develop in all areas that require high flexibility and reliability.The quality and performance of carbon products depend on their conception but also on their manufacturing processes which are very labor intensive. At AXXON the priority is put on the quality and performance needed to satisfy even the most demanding customer who searches for the best product at a reasonable price. AXXON Composites team is dedicated to engineering, production and marketing of a state of the art carbon fiber products by using most advanced technologies : pre-preg carbon, autoclave curing, female tooling manufacturing process. The know-how and the technical expertise combined with the enthusiasm and the experience produce a very competitive and professional team.

Philippe Boclet's Colleagues
Torben Weis Jacobsen
Sales Manager
Săcele, Braşov, Romania
Ramona-Cristina Surdu
Design Engineer
Săcele, Braşov, Romania
Horia Andronic
Design And Development Engineer
Săcele, Braşov, Romania
Marius Tolbas
Directeur usine
Săcele, Braşov, Romania
Diana Gheorghiu
Project Manager
Săcele, Braşov, Romania
Philippe Boclet has 26 colleagues in total at Axxon Composites. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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