Philippe De Cartier

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Email: ****r@tibi.be
Location: Brussels Metropolitan Area
Current title:
Responsable Support & Logistique Collecte
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:21 AM
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Philippe De Cartier is from Brussels Metropolitan Area. Philippe is currently Responsable Support & Logistique Collecte at Tibi - entreprise publique de gestion intégrée des déchets, located in Charleroi, Walloon Region, Belgium.

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Philippe De Cartier's current jobs
Title: Responsable Support & Logistique Collecte
Period: Nov 2014 - Present (10 years, 2 months)
Location: Charleroi, Walloon Region, Belgium

Responsible of a team to support the selection processes of waste. Leading projects to incitate inhabitants to reduce and sort out their waste or to improve the collection processes. Implementation of new programs for the management of customers and their collection points

Philippe De Cartier's Colleagues
Bertrand Letertre
Assistant technique
Charleroi, Walloon Region, Belgium
Céline Peeterbroeck
Chef adjoint Communication et Prévention des Déchets chez TIBI
Charleroi, Walloon Region, Belgium
Philippe Teller
Directeur général
Charleroi, Walloon Region, Belgium
Robin Vannuffel
Directeur administratif et financier
Grégory Souvereyns
Operational Director
Charleroi, Walloon Region, Belgium
Philippe De Cartier has 63 colleagues in total at Tibi - entreprise publique de gestion intégrée des déchets. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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