Pierre Desrochers

Sales Manager at 3M/Scott Fire and Safety
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Email: ****e@mmm.com
LinkedIn: Pierre Desrochers
Location: Kennebunk, Maine, United States
Current employer: 3M
Current title:
Sales Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:29 AM
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Pierre Desrochers is from Kennebunk, Maine, United States. Pierre works in the following industries: "Mechanical or Industrial Engineering". Pierre is currently Sales Manager at 3M. In Pierre's previous role as a Zone Manager at Scott Safety, A Tyco Business, Pierre worked in Monroe, NC until Oct 2017. Prior to joining Scott Safety, A Tyco Business, Pierre was a Regional Manager at Bacou-Dalloz and held the position of Regional Manager at Kennebunk, ME.

Pierre Desrochers can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Pierre Desrochers's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Pierre Desrochers's current jobs
Company: 3M
Title: Sales Manager
Period: Oct 2017 - Present (7 years, 4 months)
Pierre Desrochers's past jobs
Title: Zone Manager
Period: Dec 2002 - Oct 2017 (14 years, 10 months)
Location: Monroe, NC

I am the Zone Manager for Scott Safety, A Tyco Business. My responsibilities include the management of a sales team from Maine to Virginia. We are a manufacturer of breathing apparatus (Scott Air Pak), Thermal Imaging Equipment, Compressors and Portable Gas Detection Equipment. The Fire, Industrial, Government, Marine, and Petroleum Oil & Gas industries are just a few of the markets we serve. Our distributors are our channel partners and we do hold GSA contracts.

Company: Bacou-Dalloz
Title: Regional Manager
Period: Jan 2001 - Jan 2003 (2 years)
Location: Kennebunk, ME
Pierre Desrochers's education
University of Southern Maine
BS Business Administration/Management
1981 - 1985
Pierre Desrochers's Colleagues
Jean-Philippe CAILLAT
Director, Transformation and Technology, Enterprise Operation, EMEA
St Paul, Minnesota, United States
Dan Hurka
Vice President of Digital Transformation
St Paul, Minnesota, United States
David Drew
VP Information Technology
St Paul, Minnesota, United States
Srinath Deshapande
IT Infrastructure Manager
St Paul, Minnesota, United States
Jinal Shah
Leader, Enterprise Architecture - Digital Transformation & Emerging Technology
St Paul, Minnesota, United States
Pierre Desrochers has 67K+ colleagues in total at 3M. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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