Pierre Louette

PDG Groupe Les Echos - Le Parisien
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LinkedIn: Pierre Louette
Location: Greater Paris Metropolitan Region France
Current employer:
Groupe Les Echos-Le Parisien
Current title:
Président-Directeur Général
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:01 AM
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Pierre Louette is from Greater Paris Metropolitan Region France. Pierre is currently Président-Directeur Général at Groupe Les Echos-Le Parisien. In Pierre's previous role as a Chief Executive Officer Delegate & General Secretary at Orange, Pierre worked in until Mar 2018. Prior to joining Orange, Pierre was a Chairman & CEO at AFP and held the position of Chairman & CEO. Prior to that, Pierre was a Executive Vice President at LVMH - Groupe Arnault / Europatweb from Jan 2000 to Jan 2003. Pierre started working as Founder & CEO ConnectWorld, Group Interactive Marketing Director at Havas Advertising in Jan 1996. From Jan 1995 to Jan 1996, Pierre was Group General Secretary & Executive Vice President Communication at France Télévisions. Prior to that, Pierre was a Executive Advisor in Communication & New Technologies at French Prime Minister Office from Jan 1993 to Jan 1995. Pierre started working as "Auditeur" & "Conseiller Maître" at Cour des comptes in Jan 1989.

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Pierre Louette's current jobs
Company: Groupe Les Echos-Le Parisien
Title: Président-Directeur Général
Period: Mar 2018 - Present (7 years)
Pierre Louette's past jobs
Company: Orange
Title: Chief Executive Officer Delegate & General Secretary
Period: Apr 2010 - Mar 2018 (7 years, 11 months)
Company: AFP
Title: Chairman & CEO
Period: Jan 2003 - Jan 2010 (7 years)
Company: LVMH - Groupe Arnault / Europatweb
Title: Executive Vice President
Period: Jan 2000 - Jan 2003 (3 years)
Company: Havas Advertising
Title: Founder & CEO ConnectWorld, Group Interactive Marketing Director
Period: Jan 1996 - Jan 2000 (4 years)
Company: France Télévisions
Title: Group General Secretary & Executive Vice President Communication
Period: Jan 1995 - Jan 1996 (1 year)
Company: French Prime Minister Office
Title: Executive Advisor in Communication & New Technologies
Period: Jan 1993 - Jan 1995 (2 years)
Company: Cour des comptes
Title: "Auditeur" & "Conseiller Maître"
Period: Jan 1989 - Jan 1993 (4 years)
Pierre Louette's education
ENA - Ecole nationale d'administration
Sciences Po
Université Paris-Sorbonne
Licence en droit
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