Pieter Barnhoorn

Strategic Purchaser
Request removal
Email: ****n@hato.lighting
LinkedIn: Pieter Barnhoorn
Location: 尼德兰 北布拉班特省 于登
Current employer:
HATO Agricultural Lighting
Current title:
Strategic Purchaser
Last updated: 20/06/2023 04:39 AM
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Pieter Barnhoorn is from 尼德兰 北布拉班特省 于登. Pieter works in the following industries: "Semiconductor Manufacturing". Pieter is currently Strategic Purchaser at HATO Agricultural Lighting, located in Sittard, Limburg, Nederland. Pieter also works as Interim Technical/Strategic Purchaser of Electronic components, R&D LED lighting and Electronics. at B&J Electronics B.V., a job Pieter has held since Jun 2013. In Pieter's previous role as a Managing Partner and Technical Sales at Electronic Lighting B.V., Pieter worked in Netherlands until Apr 2021.

Pieter Barnhoorn can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Pieter Barnhoorn's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Pieter Barnhoorn's current jobs
Company: HATO Agricultural Lighting
Title: Strategic Purchaser
Period: Feb 2022 - Present (2 years, 11 months)
Location: Sittard, Limburg, Nederland
Title: Interim Technical/Strategic Purchaser of Electronic components, R&D LED lighting and Electronics.
Period: Jun 2013 - Present (11 years, 7 months)
Location: Nederland

Technical and commercial support

Pieter Barnhoorn's past jobs
Company: Electronic Lighting B.V.
Title: Managing Partner and Technical Sales
Period: Jun 2014 - Apr 2021 (6 years, 10 months)
Location: Netherlands
Pieter Barnhoorn's top skills
Fabricage Elektronica lighting Productontwikkeling Supply Chain-management Inkoop
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Huisarts (waarnemend)
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