Pietro Grandesso

Managing Director Rawlplug UK Ltd
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LinkedIn: Pietro Grandesso
Location: Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Current employer: Rawlplug
Current title:
Managing Director Rawlplug UK
Last updated: 26/01/2024 09:11 AM
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Pietro Grandesso is from Bristol, England, United Kingdom. Pietro works in the following industries: "建材". Pietro is currently Managing Director Rawlplug UK at Rawlplug, located in Thornliebank, Scotland, United Kingdom.

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Pietro Grandesso's current jobs
Company: Rawlplug
Title: Managing Director Rawlplug UK
Period: Jan 2018 - Present (6 years, 11 months)
Location: Thornliebank, Scotland, United Kingdom

Really excited to work for a TOP brand in the UK and many other International markets

Pietro Grandesso's education
University of Modena (Italy)
BA and post graduate
1989 - 1994
S. Gallen Switzerland
Post Graduated mini MBA
2001 - 2002
Pietro Grandesso's top skills
Marketing Management Product Management Change Management Renewable Energy Project Management Coaching Contractors Account Management Commercial Management Budgets Walls Procurement Restructuring Energy Forecasting Start-ups Roofers Construction Team Management Sales
Pietro Grandesso's Colleagues
José Cavadas
Managing Director I Geschäftsführer - Switzerland, Portugal, Spain
Thornliebank, Scotland, United Kingdom
Radoslaw Koelner
Thornliebank, Scotland, United Kingdom
Kenneth Patrick Fabella
Operation Manager
Thornliebank, Scotland, United Kingdom
Wojciech Krysiak
Head Of Supply Chain
Thornliebank, Scotland, United Kingdom
Cormac Farrell
Managing Director
Thornliebank, Scotland, United Kingdom
Pietro Grandesso has 387 colleagues in total at Rawlplug. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Pietro Grandesso
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Ashford, England, United Kingdom
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There are 2 other "Pietro Grandesso". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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