Pinaki Mukherjee

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Email: ****
Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Current employer: Cisco
Current title:
Software Engineer(System/Solution Verification)-Senior at Cisco
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:05 AM
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Pinaki Mukherjee is from Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Pinaki is currently Software Engineer(System/Solution Verification)-Senior at Cisco at Cisco, located in San Jose, California, United States.

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Pinaki Mukherjee's current jobs
Company: Cisco
Title: Software Engineer(System/Solution Verification)-Senior at Cisco
Period: Aug 2016 - Present (8 years, 5 months)
Location: San Jose, California, United States

Part of the Cisco Mobility Core and Automation BU that has a vision to continue developing industry-leading highly scalable 4G/5G Solutions that enables operators to control, monetize and rapidly deploy the solutions in the fast changing 4G/5G eco-system and beyond. Summary of the projects: -Currently Experiencing the Solution Verification of Cisco 5G Packet Core Portfolio of Products: e.g. Cisco 5G-SMF,UPF etc. to qualify the Solution as a whole for required call model and scale on the defined Cloud-native environment. -Was involved in System Verification and qualification of Cisco 5G-Network Repository Function(NRF) for the 5G-NRF Procedures w.r.t its interaction with other 5G-NFs such as 5G-SMF,AUSF, AMF, Policy Control Function(PCF) etc on CN/Virtualised environment. -Working on various system aspects: System Scale & Capacity, System Benchmark and Performance, Resiliency/Highly Availability(HA) etc. for different set of features/call models for world’s largest Operators/Communication Service Providers. -Earlier I was responsible for System Verification and Test Engineering of Next Gen Policy Control(4G-PCRF) and Routing Products for Cisco's Mobility Core(4G) and beyond, on Virtualized/Private Cloud deployments (e.g. Openstack) on Cisco UCS series servers.

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