Platon Mironov

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Moscow, Moscow, Russia
Current employer:
Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
Current title:
Leading Advisor, Project Management Department
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:53 AM
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Platon Mironov is from Moscow, Moscow, Russia. Platon is currently Leading Advisor, Project Management Department at Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

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Platon Mironov's current jobs
Company: Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
Title: Leading Advisor, Project Management Department
Period: Aug 2017 - Present (7 years, 5 months)

The chief methodologist of the project office of the Ministry of Finance. Creating of the project office from greenfild. Development of guidelines for the implementation of the organization project activities. Organization of the processes of initiation, launch, implementation and completion of projects. Training employees of the organization to work on traditional and flexible project methodologies. Support of project teams. Implementation of process management elements. Development of a process analysis methodology. Optimization of separate organization processes. Achievements: 1. A portfolio of 15 departmental projects has been formed. 2. A methodology for the full project life cycle has been developed. 3. Project teams have been trained, training manuals have been developed, and the process of training new participants in project activities has been orgainzed. 4. An automated information system of project management has been introduced, monitoring of project realization provided 5. Descriptions of a number of business processes of the organization in DEF3, eEPC and BPMN notations are developed, optimization proposals are sent to management.

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Platon Mironov
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