Podchanard Saelee

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Email: ****
Location: Samut Prakan, Thailand
Current employer: Celestica
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:51 AM
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Podchanard Saelee is from Samut Prakan, Thailand. Podchanard is currently Buyer at Celestica, located in North York, Ontario, Canada.

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Podchanard Saelee's current jobs
Company: Celestica
Title: Buyer
Period: Jun 2022 - Present (2 years, 7 months)
Location: North York, Ontario, Canada

-Procures goods and services in support of the business operations. -Acts as the communication link between internal customers, suppliers and external customers on pre-production ramp up and full production volume. -Reviews requisitions, contacts vendors, examines bids and initiates contracts. -Responsible for the procurement of parts and supplies for new products, existing products and non-production supplies. -Initiates purchases driven through MRP process. -Ensures on-time delivery, purchase price variance and inventory management. -Facilitates quoting and sourcing of parts to improve supply and reduce costs.

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