Pratap Khanwilkar

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Location: San Antonio, Texas Metropolitan Area
Current employer: Ignition Key LLC
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:26 AM
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Pratap Khanwilkar is from San Antonio, Texas Metropolitan Area. Pratap is currently Founder/CEO at Ignition Key LLC, located in Boerne, Texas, United States.

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Pratap Khanwilkar's current jobs
Company: Ignition Key LLC
Title: Founder/CEO
Period: Oct 2010 - Present (14 years, 3 months)
Location: Boerne, Texas, United States

Help clients develop and commercialize their life science technologies and their adoption through organizational development: business and product strategy including market positioning, path to commercialization, fundraising, program and product portfolio analysis and commercialization pathway development including R&D, IP, manufacturing, pre-clinicals, regulatory submissions and approvals and supporting clinical studies trials-for start-ups and growth stage organizations, academia, and incubators. Recent successes have been to coach founder-CEOs to plan for and transition/grow their companies from early prototypes through pre-clinical testing and regulatory submissions, including organizational growth by hiring CXO, VP and Manager level talent, and also growing organizational decision-making and operational processes. Another key areas of focus is to develop a product portfolio and successfully obtain both non-dilutive and dilutive investments (Seed, Series A, Series B) by developing appropriate branding, framing, and messaging/communication strategies as well as aiming at the appropriate funding sources. A key practice area is to de-risk projects and organizations at the inception stage by developing and refining the problem (the unmet clinical need/market) and the appropriate solution (technology/product) required to 'solve' the problem, and then construct an appropriate path to market through product development, pre-clinical testing, clinical trials, regulatory approvals and reimbursement to establish and successfully implement the selected business model with the appropriate staged financing, risk-reduction and milestone-focused plan for the organization and its stakeholders. A recently-established practice area is to promote bidirectional medtech and related development between India and the United States.

Pratap Khanwilkar's Colleagues
Lynn Elliott
Santa Clara, California, United States
Mir Imran
Santa Clara, California, United States
Matt Harrison
Investor, Entrepreneur
Santa Clara, California, United States
John Fraboni
Sr. Director, Manufacturing and Supply Chain
Bella Vazquez , SPHR
Vice President Human Resources
Santa Clara, California, United States
Pratap Khanwilkar has 57 colleagues in total at InCube Labs. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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