Quinetha Frasier

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Email: ****a@gfeem.org
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:21 AM
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Quinetha Frasier is from Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Quinetha is currently Chief Executive Officer at The Global Foundation for Education and Economic Mobility.

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Quinetha Frasier's current jobs
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (5 years)

Quinetha Frasier is a dealmaker, serial social entrepreneur, and management consultant, with a special focus on the negotiation of funding relationships among social impact entities, grantmakers, corporations, and impact investors. In addition to her consulting work, Quinetha serves as CEO of the Global Foundation for Education & Economic Mobility (GFEEM), through which she is developing and advising initiatives that support women and children of color in Ghana and the Gullah-Geechee Corridor of the Southeastern United States. Prior to launching GFEEM and the Southern Equity Collective, Quinetha co-founded MyPledger, a pledge automation software company, where she learned the power of technology for social good. At the heart of Quinetha’s work is a dedication to coaching founders of nonprofit ventures. She is passionate about creating the space for authentic collaboration between Black and white communities, and she has designed training curriculums focused on leadership development for purpose-led leaders in philanthropy and social impact. Her clientele has included the Georgia Center for Nonprofits; Allen University; Technovate; Global Social Venture Competition (GA Tech); The Foundation Center; the Office of Congressman John Lewis; Rainbow Push; Net Impact; the Southeastern Council of Foundations, Network for Good; the Girltank Foundation (in partnership with beauty-retailer Sephora), and a variety of faith-based entities. A proud Gullah Native of the Sea Islands of Charleston, SC and resident of Atlanta, GA, Quinetha is a graduate of Tuskegee University and Webster University, where she earned an MBA. She holds national certification by the National Development Council and NeighborWorks in Economic Development Finance, Community Development and Grant-writing. Quinetha serves on the boards of the South Carolina Community Loan Fund, The Nature Conservancy of South Carolina, the Charleston Chapter of the Links Incorporated, and the Palmetto Project.

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