Rachael Green

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Email: ****o@rachgreencocktails.com
Location: Charlotte Metro
Current employer: Rach Green Cocktails
Current title:
Founder, CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:33 AM
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Rachael Green is from Charlotte Metro. Rachael is currently Founder, CEO at Rach Green Cocktails, located in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States.

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Rachael Green's current jobs
Title: Founder, CEO
Period: Sep 2015 - Present (9 years, 3 months)
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

Rach Green Cocktails is a Virtual Interactive Mixology Experience that magnetizes virtual attendee connection. The experience adds SIGNIFICANT value to team building experiences and virtual summits, and is also the perfect pitch primer that helps Entreprenuers MAKE MORE MONEY! I am the CEO and founder of this company. I bring the life to the screen and make booking this service as easy as ordering a cocktail. I help: - Virtual Event Planners add value to their packages by offering a white label service - Entrepreneurs add more RSVP's and prime their audience in their virtual events for sales conversions they never thought possible - Businesses increase their teams productivity and connection through unique team building experiences - Virtual Event PRO's drop ship unique Cocktail Tool Kits branded for their event to elevate the experience EVEN FURTHER - BEVERAGE BRANDS find their home audience and negotiate higher ROI's through virtual events!!

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