Rachel Francine

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Email: ****l@singfit.com
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
Current employer:
Musical Health Technologies
Current title:
Co-Founder & CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:47 AM
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Rachel Francine is from Los Angeles, California, United States. Rachel is currently Co-Founder & CEO at Musical Health Technologies, located in Los Angeles, California, United States.

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Rachel Francine's current jobs
Company: Musical Health Technologies
Title: Co-Founder & CEO
Period: Jan 2012 - Present (13 years)
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

At Musical Health Technologies, we’ve created a platform that dramatically expands the ability of people to access the proven benefits of therapeutic music. As co-founder and CEO, I lead strategic and operational teams that create groundbreaking, effective, affordable and highly accessible therapeutic music solutions. Our high impact partners and clients include technology giant CDW, Sunrise Senior Living, which is the third largest provider of senior living in the country, and the Dementia Society of America. Our publishing partners include Universal, Sony, Concord and Warner. In 2019 we received a three-year grant from Glasgow Caledonian University to study the clinical, economic and societal benefits of the SingFit platform.

Rachel Francine's Colleagues
John Murphey
National Sales Director
Los Angeles, California, United States
Dale Shim
Advisory Board
Los Angeles, California, United States
Andy Tubman
Co-Founder Chief of Music and Therapeutics
Los Angeles, California, United States
Jim Saraco
Los Angeles, California, United States
Nicholas Swift
Los Angeles, California, United States
Rachel Francine has 24 colleagues in total at Musical Health Technologies. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Rachel Francine
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São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
There are 4 other "Rachel Francine". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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