Rachel Kochany

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Email: ****l@realiserealigncoaching.com
Location: Manchester Area, United Kingdom
Current employer:
Holos Change
Current title:
Holos Change Agent
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:25 AM
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Rachel Kochany is from Manchester Area, United Kingdom. Rachel is currently Holos Change Agent at Holos Change, located in Holmbury St. Mary, England, United Kingdom. Rachel also works as Group Facilitator at Bailey & French - Consulting, a job Rachel has held since Sep 2021.

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Rachel Kochany's current jobs
Company: Holos Change
Title: Holos Change Agent
Period: Oct 2021 - Present (3 years, 3 months)
Location: Holmbury St. Mary, England, United Kingdom

Developing authentic post-conventional leadership in a context of disruption for Executive Leaders and teams across the globe.

Company: Bailey & French - Consulting
Title: Group Facilitator
Period: Sep 2021 - Present (3 years, 4 months)
Location: Brighton, England, United Kingdom

Empowering people to be their best for performance and wellbeing. Specialists in applying Positive Psychology to the world of work for all organisations focusing on Strengths Based Leadership, Performance Motivation and Wellbeing. Facilitating simple platforms for collaborative learning in workshops through great conversations.

Rachel Kochany's Colleagues
Neil Crofts
Co-founder and CEO
Holmbury St. Mary, England, United Kingdom
Em Wilson
Social Media Manager
Holmbury St. Mary, England, United Kingdom
James Dakin
Senior Consultant
Holmbury St. Mary, England, United Kingdom
Rob Brown
Faculty Member
Holmbury St. Mary, England, United Kingdom
Julie Compton
Leadership Development coach , change agent and facilitator
Holmbury St. Mary, England, United Kingdom
Rachel Kochany has 20 colleagues in total at Holos Change. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Rachel Kochany
Rachel Kochany
Senior Motion Graphic Designer
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
There are 1 other "Rachel Kochany". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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