Raimondas P

Operations & Systems Analyst @Tesla 🏳️‍🌈
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LinkedIn: Raimond P.
Location: Amsterdam Area
Current employer: Tesla
Current title:
Associate Future Talent Recruiter & Projects Specialist, EMEA
Last updated: 29/08/2023 10:38 AM
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Raimondas P is from Amsterdam Area. Raimondas works in the following industries: "Retail", "Automotive", and "Information Technology & Services". Raimondas is currently Associate Future Talent Recruiter & Projects Specialist, EMEA at Tesla. In Raimondas's previous role as a Future Talent Recruiter, EMEA at Tesla, Raimondas worked in Amsterdam Area, Netherlands until Feb 2021. Prior to joining Tesla, Raimondas was a Founder at HiFood! and held the position of Founder at Rotterdam Area, Netherlands. Prior to that, Raimondas was a Business Development at Ockyz, based in Rotterdam Area, Netherlands from Apr 2019 to Aug 2019.

Come check out Raimondas P's email address on finalscout.com, a free professional database with 500 million business professionals and 200 million companies.

Raimondas P's current jobs
Company: Tesla
Title: Associate Future Talent Recruiter & Projects Specialist, EMEA
Period: Feb 2021 - Present (3 years, 10 months)
Raimondas P's past jobs
Company: Tesla
Title: Future Talent Recruiter, EMEA
Period: Feb 2020 - Feb 2021 (1 year)
Location: Amsterdam Area, Netherlands
Company: HiFood!
Title: Founder
Period: Sep 2019 - Feb 2021 (1 year, 5 months)
Location: Rotterdam Area, Netherlands
Company: Ockyz
Title: Business Development
Period: Apr 2019 - Aug 2019 (4 months)
Location: Rotterdam Area, Netherlands
Raimondas P's education
Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor's degree
2017 - 2020
Raimondas P's top skills
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Communication Microsoft Word L&D Leadership Research Public Speaking Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Office Teamwork Project Management Social Media Management Psychology Human Resources Sales Microsoft Excel Employee Training Staff Development Coaching
Raimondas P's Colleagues
Sony Paul
Engineering Manager - Casting Center
Austin, Texas, United States
Anders Bell
Senior Director Of Engineering
Austin, Texas, United States
Peter Ehlers
Sr. Engineering Manager
Austin, Texas, United States
Tzu-Hsuan Chuang
Supply Chain Manager, PCBA
Austin, Texas, United States
Byungwoo Lee
Engineering Manager
Austin, Texas, United States
Raimondas P has 56K+ colleagues in total at Tesla. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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