Rainbow Party Rentals

Costumes, Dancewear, Wedding, Vintage, Balloons and Decor
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Email: ****s@rainbowtents.com
Location: Dover, Ohio, United States
Current employer:
Rainbow Party Rentals
Current title:
Kathy Thomas - Owner
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:33 AM
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Rainbow Party Rentals is from Dover, Ohio, United States. Rainbow Party works in the following industries: "Retail". Rainbow Party is currently Kathy Thomas - Owner at Rainbow Party Rentals, located in Tuscarawas County. In Rainbow Party's previous role as a Misc office, receptionist at Sparta Manufacturing (previously division of U.S.Ceramic Tile), Rainbow Party worked in Columbia, Ohio until Aug 1966.

Rainbow Party Rentals can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Rainbow Party Rentals's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Rainbow Party Rentals's current jobs
Company: Rainbow Party Rentals
Title: Kathy Thomas - Owner
Period: May 1968 - Present (56 years, 8 months)
Location: Tuscarawas County
Rainbow Party Rentals's past jobs
Company: Sparta Manufacturing (previously division of U.S.Ceramic Tile)
Title: Misc office, receptionist
Period: Jan 1962 - Aug 1966 (4 years, 7 months)
Location: Columbia, Ohio


Rainbow Party Rentals's education
Graduated from Dover High School
Rainbow Party Rentals's top skills
Team Building Strategic Planning Nonprofits Leadership Social Media Marketing Sales Event Management Fundraising Marketing Customer Service Fashion Public Speaking Management E-commerce Marketing Communications Retail Social Networking Social Media Marketing Strategy Event Planning
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