Ralph Smith

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Current employer: Ciena
Current title:
VP Global Customer Success & Experience
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:54 AM
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Ralph Smith is from Alpharetta, Georgia, United States. Ralph is currently VP Global Customer Success & Experience at Ciena, located in Hanover, Maryland, United States.

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Ralph Smith's current jobs
Company: Ciena
Title: VP Global Customer Success & Experience
Period: Jan 2019 - Present (5 years, 11 months)
Location: Hanover, Maryland, United States

Provided leadership for the global customer experience program including development of a comprehensive voice of the customer program. Through cross functional tiger teams, earned companies first-ever "Overall Best-in-Class" CXi rating with significant advances in all key customer satisfaction (CSAT) categories. In concert with global customer experience, provided leadership in corporate-wide transformation of the customer support model from reactive support to proactive success. This included development of several customer success processes and tools, extensive documentation, training collateral and change management. Fully operationalized and trained all success managers and services leadership. Additionally, worked with numerous cross functional teams in development of a world class self help portal for customers as well as a customer health dashboard enabling customer success managers to quickly identify & eliminate potential sources of dis-satisfaction prior to customer impact.

Ralph Smith's Colleagues
Ralph Santitoro
Digital Services Strategist and Solutions Architect
Hanover, Maryland, United States
Sudeep Kumar
Head of Enterprise Data and Analytics
Hanover, Maryland, United States
John Brots
Vice President Supply Chain Operations
Hanover, Maryland, United States
James Glover
Director Product Line Management
Hanover, Maryland, United States
Hasan Talukdar
VP, IT Business Application
Hanover, Maryland, United States
Ralph Smith has 8K+ colleagues in total at Ciena. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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