Randy Savicky

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Location: Greater Boston
Current employer: Strategy + Communications
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:34 AM
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Randy Savicky is from Greater Boston. Randy is currently Founder/CEO at Strategy + Communications, located in Weston, Connecticut, United States.

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Randy Savicky's current jobs
Title: Founder/CEO
Period: May 2002 - Present (22 years, 8 months)
Location: Weston, Connecticut, United States

• Founder of marketing, public relations and content marketing agency that helped innovative companies build their brands and increase traffic, leads and sales by developing more consistent and compelling communications to their key audiences • Clients included financial services firms (American Express, Powerhouse Assets, RSM McGladrey, UBS), technology companies/incubators (Archion, Cache-A, Quantum, Tandberg Data, Stamford Innovation Center, TrueVoice Growth Marketing, Weston Software), healthcare companies (Accumedic, Brain Tunnelgenix Technologies), law firms (Silver Golub & Teitell LLP, The Wallman Law Firm, The Law Offices of Victor J. Cavallo), among others Major Accomplishments • Developed marketing programs and created content for financial services firms, including American Express, RSM McGladrey and UBS, to introduce new business units and services • Designed strategic communications program to launch IBM’s first storage software product, repositioning it as leader in computer storage market • Developed marketing plan to launch Quantum’s first product for the broadcast and media & entertainment market, immediately positioning the company as a major player • Established communications programs to launch new companies: Brain Tunnelgenix Technologies, a medical device manufacturer; Cache-A, a computer storage company; and Weston Software, a network security and cloud computing company • Wrote executive speeches for Sony and Ford Motors on innovation in consumer video and automotive technology • Wrote series of white papers for Tandberg Data to establish thought leadership position in green technology and SMB market • Wrote case history on “Video Archiving for Tapeless HD Production” for Quantum that earned Computerworld Honors Program® Laureate Award • Consulted with other public relations agencies to improve their efficiency and profitability

Randy Savicky's Colleagues
Joel Epstein
Julie Dappen
Randy Savicky has 2 colleagues in total at Strategy + Communications. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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