Raul Alba Reza

Sourcing supervisor en IKOR
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Email: ****a@ikor.mx
LinkedIn: Raul Alba Reza
Location: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Current employer: IKOR
Current title:
Sourcing supervisor
Last updated: 12/07/2023 02:42 AM
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Raul Alba Reza is from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Raul Alba works in the following industries: "Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing". Raul Alba is currently Sourcing supervisor at IKOR, located in Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco, México. In Raul Alba's previous role as a QUOTE ENGINEER at IKOR, Raul Alba worked in Guadalajara y alrededores, México until Oct 2019. Prior to joining IKOR, Raul Alba was a Product Engineer at Flextronics and held the position of Product Engineer at Guadalajara y alrededores, México.

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Raul Alba Reza's current jobs
Company: IKOR
Title: Sourcing supervisor
Period: Oct 2019 - Present (4 years, 9 months)
Location: Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco, México

 Follow up of projects such CTB, PPVs, materials expedite & escalation.  Annual negotiations of raw materials (Electronics components, customs parts such (PCBs, Harnesses, Plastics, metals, etc.)  Quote NPI (monitor excess materials) and mass production projects.  Development of suppliers in order to get the best price, always keep the customer’s request.

Raul Alba Reza's past jobs
Company: IKOR
Period: Jan 2011 - Oct 2019 (8 years, 9 months)
Location: Guadalajara y alrededores, México

• Analyze technical information and development of quotations for electronic boards (Pilot and mass production), box building and kitting always searching the optimal improvement in materials, manufacturing process, industrialization, all these reflected a reduction of sales cost. • Capacity to effectively handle multiple tasks. • Development of new suppliers and quotation of raw materials. • Feasibility studies for the projects (varying levels of complexity), guaranteeing the customer’s requirements. • Direct negotiations with customers and suppliers (Reps and Distributors). • Calculate of NREs (Non-Recoverable Expenses) or investment necessary for the manufacture. • Development of the business case. • Global revision of quotations (China, Spain and Mexico) • Once win the project, I need to do the transference to other departments.

Company: Flextronics
Title: Product Engineer
Period: May 2000 - Dec 2007 (7 years, 7 months)
Location: Guadalajara y alrededores, México

• Knowledge of compliance and implementation requirements, ROHS, FCC, CE and PSE among others. • NPI process: Support to Design and Manufacturing Engineers, Manufacturing Program Managers and Business Units. • Proactive approach to handle the customer's prototypes and pilot runs. • Component’s validation, proposal for alternatives components. • Transfer of pilot runs and prototypes to mass production. • Experience with the implementation of high mix, low volume, so as to achieve the delivery the customer on dock date.

Raul Alba Reza's education
Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa
High School Certificate
1991 - 1994
Universidad del Valle de México
Master of Business Administration - MBA
2014 - 2016
Instituto Tecnologico del Mar
Electronic Engineer
1994 - 1998
Raul Alba Reza's top skills
SPC 5S Gestión de suministradores Engineering Management Negociación Análisis modal de fallos y efectos Continuous Improvement Manufacturing Mejora continua Lean manufacturing Seis Sigma Kaizen Indicadores clave de desempeño Electrónica Manufacturing Engineering FMEA Electronics Manufactura Aprovisionamiento Control estadístico de procesos
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