Raul Ramirez

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Email: ****z@renovatiocloud.com
Location: Austin, Texas, United States
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Last updated: 04/10/2023 09:19 AM
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Raul Ramirez is from Austin, Texas, United States. Raul is currently CEO at R/CS, located in Austin, Texas, United States.

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Raul Ramirez's current jobs
Company: R/CS
Title: CEO
Period: Jul 2014 - Present (10 years, 6 months)
Location: Austin, Texas, United States

We blend strategy, design, and engineering to bring you closer to your customers, employees, and partners. With us, it's all about you and your business. All of our service offerings begin and end with your enterprise business goals. As a digital transformation catalyst, R/CS defines a new category beyond application design, development and delivery. This means that we bring all the creative and technology capabilities, business acumen and industry know-how needed to transform our client's businesses. I'm honored to lead a young and dynamic team of cloud technologists with a burning desire to solve the most complex technology problems.

Raul Ramirez's Colleagues
Beto Moya
React Developer
Austin, Texas, United States
Ignacio "Nacho" Sanchez
Full Stack Developer
Austin, Texas, United States
Maho Nagai
User Experience Designer
Austin, Texas, United States
Raul Ramirez has 3 colleagues in total at R/CS. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Raul Ramirez
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IAEA Section Head. Division of Technical Cooperation Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean
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Raúl Ramirez Diaz
Soporte técnico
Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
Raúl Ramirez
Administrative Assistant
Boca del Río, Veracruz, Mexico
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Production Supervisor
Tucson, Arizona, United States
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