Rebecca K

Marketing & Branding Professional seeking a Brand Management role.
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Email: ****g@hotmail.com
LinkedIn: Rebecca K.
Location: Atlanta Georgia
Current employer:
Pearson Government Solutions
Current title:
Project Supervisor
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:50 AM
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Rebecca K is from Atlanta Georgia. Rebecca is currently Project Supervisor at Pearson Government Solutions. Rebecca also works as Retail Creative Specialist at BBDO. Another title Rebecca currently holds is Consultant at Crawford & Company.

You can find Rebecca K's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Rebecca K's current jobs
Company: Pearson Government Solutions
Title: Project Supervisor
Company: BBDO
Title: Retail Creative Specialist
Company: Crawford & Company
Title: Consultant
Company: Crawford & Company
Title: Global Marketing Specialist
Company: Georgia Institute of Technology
Title: MBA Student
Company: Home-Grown Industries of Ga, Inc. dba Mellow Mushroom
Title: Sr. Manager of Marketing & Promotions
Company: Pollo Campero
Title: Brand Manager
Rebecca K's education
georgia institute of technology scheller college of business
master of business administration,masters
the art institutes
bachelors,bachelor of arts
the university of kansas
bachelors,bachelor of science
georgia institute of technology
the art institutes
bachelors,bachelor of fine arts
the university of kansas
bachelors,bachelor of business administration
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There are 214 other "Rebecca K". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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