Rekha Patil

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Email: ****a@regulushub.com
Location: Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Current employer:
Current title:
CEO at Regulus Agro- Organic Pvt Ltd
Last updated: 17/04/2024 08:21 AM
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Rekha Patil is from Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Rekha is currently CEO at Regulus Agro- Organic Pvt Ltd at REGULUS HUB , located in Panvel, Maharashtra, India.

Rekha Patil's email is available on Finalscout.com free of charge. This database has a wealth of information on over half a billion business professionals and two hundred million companies.

Rekha Patil's current jobs
Title: CEO at Regulus Agro- Organic Pvt Ltd
Period: Sep 2020 - Present (4 years, 4 months)
Location: Panvel, Maharashtra, India

Regulus Hub isn't just another gift; it's a testament to a mother's unwavering dedication to her daughter's well-being. Crafted with love by a single mother who understands the paramount importance of healthy eating habits, Regulus Hub embodies a scientific approach to snacking and health. From its inception, we've pledged to provide a diverse range of stomach-friendly food products catering to all age groups, from children to seniors. Our offerings span the spectrum, from mild to spicy, low-calorie to gym-friendly, diabetic-friendly to immune-boosting snacks, and beyond. Regulus Hub isn't just about snacks; it's a lifestyle choice—a commitment to guilt-free munching. Operated by Food Science/Biotech Technocrats, Regulus Agro-Organic specializes in innovative, preservative-free, chemical-free, and oil-free products, ensuring authenticity and nutritional value in every bite. From mushroom farming to processing, we're dedicated to promoting healthier choices and sustainable practices. Regulus Hub: your one-stop solution for all your daily snacking needs, crafted with care and expertise. Healthy Snacking | Food Processing | Food Tech Consultant | Biotechnologist | Research Scientist | Project Co-Ordinator | Manufacturer | Trader | Healthy, Natural, and residue-free products. Catch us on - Amazon - Regulus- https://www.amazon.in/stores/RegulusAgroOrganic/page/964148C7-CB21-408F-B8D3-D807B7CEA117?ref_=ast_bln Big Basket- https://www.bigbasket.com/ps/?q=regulus&nc=as JioMart- https://www.jiomart.com/search/regulus Flipkart - https://www.flipkart.com/search?q=regulus%20agro%20organic&otracker=search&otracker1=search&marketplace=FLIPKART&as-show=off&as=off Swiggy- https://www.swiggy.com/restaurants/regulus-hub-vichumbe-panvel-mumbai-613676 Zomato - https://www.zomato.com/mumbai/regulus-hub-new-panvel-navi-mumbai Insta - regulushub FB- regulushub LinkedIn- Regulus Hub web- www.regulushub.com

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